Placement Focused Clinical Hypnosis Diploma

-Learn 100% hands on from highly rated instructors
-Go beyond the basics, work with real clients and create a portfolio.
-Chance to attend and review unlimited times by acquiring the access to attend the future offline training sessions.
- 100% Placement Opportunity with us as Clinical Hypnotherapist

  • Clinical Hypnosis Diploma
  • Clinical Hypnosis Diploma
  • Clinical Hypnosis Diploma
  • Clinical Hypnosis Diploma
  • Clinical Hypnosis Diploma
  • Clinical Hypnosis Diploma
  • Clinical Hypnosis Diploma
  • Clinical Hypnosis Diploma

Clinical Hypnosis Diploma

Lighting Your Path to a Bright Psychology Career!
Batch Date:

Unbeatable Prices for Your Hypnotherapy Journey!

Start with Levels 1 & 2 at just INR 18,498. Master basics and set strong roots.

Elevate to Level 3 for INR 9,999. Dive deeper into advanced techniques.

Ascend to Level 4 at INR 13,499. Understand self, diffuse fears.

Conclude with Level 5 for INR 13,999. Explore past lives, manage sessions.

Grab the complete Diploma at an all-in deal of INR 49,999. Your ticket to the full hypnotherapy experience!

Clinical Hypnotherapy: The Healing Art

Clinical Hypnotherapy is more than a simple snooze button. It's psychotherapy supercharged with the power of trance. It's like comparing a doodle to a Da Vinci. Hypnosis is the sketch, Hypnotherapy is the masterpiece.

Hypnosis is not about dangling pendulums. Hypnotherapy is the fusion of art and science, where the canvas is the human mind.

Hypnotherapy: Your Multidimensional Tool

From soothing anxiety and managing weight to quitting stubborn habits - hypnotherapy is your all-in-one solution!

Hypnosis facts that will blow your mind!

  • Ever daydream while reading or watching TV? You've experienced hypnosis!

  • Recognized since the 1950s, hypnotherapy has a proven track record in treating various conditions.

  • Hypnosis is not sleep, but a unique state of focused wakefulness.

  • Credit goes to Franz A. Mesmer, who popularized hypnosis in the 1770s!

Is Hypnotherapy for your field?

From classrooms to clinics: Ten diverse fields embracing the power of hypnotherapy

Psychology Students: Hypnotherapy deepens their understanding of the mind, backed by research on brain activity.

Doctors: Used in pain management for childbirth, burns, and cancer treatments, hypnosis is recognized as a non-pharmacological intervention.

Psychologists: Treating sleep disorders like insomnia, hypnotherapy is shown to increase deep sleep duration.

Dermatologists: Hypnosis aids in managing skin diseases like psoriasis, with research showing symptom reduction.

Forensic Workers: Used cautiously for recalling repressed memories in legal contexts.

Therapists: Hypnotherapy is scientifically recognized for treating anxiety and depression.

Yoga Trainers: Hypnosis complements weight loss and meditation, improving outcomes and focus.

Athletes: Hypnosis aids in reducing performance anxiety and improving techniques, enhancing concentration and stress management.

Rehabilitation Workers: Hypnosis helps in treating addictions like smoking and alcoholism, proven to be effective in promoting abstinence.

Dentists: Hypnosis aids in dental procedures by reducing anxiety and pain, and promoting relaxation.

🚥 Your Route to Clinical Hypnotherapy: Our program welcomes diverse paths 🚥

Here's a taste of what you'll learn 🍽

Traditional and Rapid Inductions
Hypno-therapeutic Voice 
Multiple Past Lives
Master Spirit Guides 
Ways to Overcome Client Blocks
Spontaneous Catharsis 
Clinical Regression
Session Plan
Ideomotor Questioning
Hypnotic Communications

Tailored Curriculum, Boundless Applications

Our Clinical Hypnotherapy diploma offers a blend of intriguing modules tailored to your career goals. From Hypnotherapeutic Voice to Hypnotic Communications, we've got it all. And guess what? You can apply hypnotherapy in various fields from psychology to dentistry.

Meet Your Trainer 🚀

Radhika Goyal
Co-Founder, Socially SouledPsychotherapist & Clinical Hypnotherapist

The journey into the world of Hypnosis has truly changed me as a person. With over 6 years of experience in Hypnosis, I can say that there is so much more this field has to offer. I have trained over 3000 students in Dream Analysis, Subconscious Therapy and various other integrative therapies.

The Socially Souled Way of Learning

  1. Experiential Learning: Say goodbye to tedious lectures! Soak up hypnotherapy skills through hands-on practice, lively discussions, and insightful peer feedback.
  2. Global Accreditation: Our diploma, endorsed by the International Association of Therapists, lets you flaunt your hypnotherapy skills worldwide.
  3. Unwavering Support: Our commitment doesn't end with a diploma. Expect lifelong mentorship from our facilitator, helping you grow as a hypnotherapist.
  4. Certification & Extras: Celebrate your journey's end with a completion certificate, a letter of recommendation (performance-based), and a comprehensive hypnotherapy resource kit.
  5. All-Round Growth: Shun drab professional development! Our program promises a fun-filled, holistic growth experience with the chance to make lifelong friends.

Join us and redefine the way you learn!

🔥 Transformational Empowering Enlightening

🏆 Dive into a hypnotic adventure with our Clinical Hypnotherapy Diploma Programme! 🏆

  • Level 1 & 2:

    Start your journey! Uncover hypnosis history, learn self-hypnosis, goal setting, and stress control.

  • Level 3:

    Dive deep! Craft scripts, learn advanced techniques, and connect with emotions.

  • Level 4:

    Self-discovery awaits! Defuse fears, embrace positivity, and connect with your higher self.

  • Level 5:

    The finale! Explore past lives, relationships, master hypnotherapy sessions.

How our Clinical Hypnosis Diploma is different!

Here's how our Clinical Hypnotherapy Diploma can set you sailing:

1. Exclusive Internships: Work alongside experts in top-tier wellness organizations. Practical experience? Check!

2. Research Assistance: Plug into the power of academia. Contribute to hypnotherapy research while sharpening your credentials.

3. Networking Opportunities: Schmooze with the crème de la crème of hypnotherapy. Forge professional bonds that endure.

4. Volunteer Opportunities: Practice makes perfect! Volunteering lets you apply your skills while making a positive impact.

5. Listed on Souled Therapy Platform: Hit the ground running. Get a chance to be listed on our platform, shining a spotlight on your services.

With our Diploma, you're not just a student; you're an up-and-coming hypnotherapist ready to
make waves!

  • Clinical Hypnosis Diploma
  • Clinical Hypnosis Diploma
  • Clinical Hypnosis Diploma
  • Clinical Hypnosis Diploma
  • Clinical Hypnosis Diploma
  • Clinical Hypnosis Diploma
  • Clinical Hypnosis Diploma
  • Clinical Hypnosis Diploma
Lighting Your Path to a Bright Psychology Career!
Batch Date:

🌻 Hypnotherapy Unveiled, With Socially Souled! 🌻

Guidance, hands-on experience, and a sprinkle of magic. Join us and initiate your enchanting hypnotherapy voyage today!