Souled Therapy with Rasi Sethia

Souled Therapy with Rasi Sethia

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**Therapist offers sliding scale: Sliding scale is a flexible payment system based on your financial situation. The therapist will assess your circumstances and determine if a reduced fee applies to you.
Basic Details

Credentials: MSc Psychology
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her

Years of Experience

2 years

Mode/type of therapy practiced

Person Centred Counselling, Cognitive Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Approach, Positive Psychology, Body Work, EFT and Eclectic Approach.

"You can make through everything with compassion, care, understanding and support :) "

-A one liner that describes Rasi's personality.

Discover the Therapist: Perspectives & Techniques


What is it that you love about psychology and what has it taught you about people in general?

What I really like about Psychology is that it triggers the mind into thinking what's right and wrong, what's really happen inside us in subtle forms. It is an eye opening subject that tries to deepen the connection with self and others. It has taught me about people is that always look at the inside, don't get fooled by the outer appearance/talk.

What is your go-to tip for dealing with mental health struggles?

Bring in Acceptance of whatever has happened or is happening. Judgements and preferences of how life should be or should have been increases the suffering.

What's that one thing you consider to be your secret weapon/ your special tool?

Simply being in the present moment, connecting with the other person and letting my intuition guide. There's no one question or story. It is all about here and now, the connect and the flow :)

What drives you when it comes to helping people help themselves?

Faith and patience that they will help themselves and become ready to do so in their pace.

Choose your session:
**Therapist offers sliding scale: Sliding scale is a flexible payment system based on your financial situation. The therapist will assess your circumstances and determine if a reduced fee applies to you.

"A single element does not affect our health, but aspects of both our internal environment (self, body) and external environment (society, culture) contribute to it. The mind-body-soul all three have to be taken into consideration for our well-being. " ✨

- Rasi Sethia