• Pickup & Drop
    Goa to Goa

  • Type of Retreat
    Wellness and Psychological Retreat

  • Duration & Dates
    3 nights 4 days
    31st May, 1st June, 2nd June

The Experience: A Day-by-Day Guide to Transformation

Morning — Arrival Embrace:
As you reach Goa, feel the warm Goan sun greeting your adventure spirit. Our team, led by the ever-enthusiastic Akul, will welcome you with open arms and cold refreshments. A scenic drive to our luxurious Airbnb sets the tone — this is no ordinary getaway.

Afternoon — Setting Your Soul’s Intentions:
After a local gourmet lunch, Radhika will guide you through a soul-stirring session of intention setting. What do you seek? Healing, clarity, adventure? This is where you plant the seeds. Dive into your Doodle Notebook to sketch your initial feelings and expectations — let your intuition color outside the lines.

Evening — Sunset Serenades and Social Ties:
As the sky dresses in sunset hues, join a guided meditation on the beach. Let the symphony of waves tune your heart to nature’s rhythm. Post-meditation, it’s time to mingle and feast under the stars. The evening caps off with our Bond game — laughter, strategy, and new friendships.

Morning — Salutations to the Sun:
Greet the dawn with a yoga session on the soft sands. Post-yoga, the Gratitude Journal comes out. Jot down the serene start to your day; what are you thankful for? Breakfast features local flavors with a healthy twist.

Midmorning — Art of the Soul:
With Spreeha’s guidance, lose yourself in the colors and contours of mandala art. Each design a mirror to your mind. This isn’t just art; it’s a dialogue with your inner self.

Afternoon — Nature’s Nurture:
Lace up for a guided hike through Goa’s verdant trails with Jofira. This is your 'Listening Circle' — a moving discussion amidst moving scenery. Share stories, share silences. A picnic feeds your body and soul.

Evening — Freedom and Flow:
The evening offers free time. Explore local markets, or reflect quietly by the sea. Dinner is on your own, but the invitation to join a group meal remains open. Nightfall brings an optional dance therapy session, translating feelings into fluid movements.

Morning — Cultural Immersion:
Discover Goa’s rich heritage with a guided cultural tour that explores local landmarks and artisan communities. Engage with the vibrant history and arts of the region.

Afternoon — Reflective Workshop:
Return to the Airbnb for a workshop focused on integrating the cultural experiences with personal growth. Utilize the Plain Notebook to record insights and inspirations.

Evening — Group Reflection and Relaxation:
Enjoy a group reflection session, discussing the day's learnings and personal revelations. Relax with a group dinner, preparing for the journey’s culmination.

Morning — Circle of Thanks:
Gather one last time in a circle of gratitude. Share how this journey has touched you. What moments will you take back? The farewell brunch is a feast of local delicacies, celebrating our shared journey.

Afternoon — Closing the Circle:
Individual therapy sessions offer a private reflection space. Discuss your journey, your journal insights. The closing ceremony at our Airbnb’s garden is both an end and a beginning. Certificates, hugs, and promises to return.

Departure — Waves Goodbye:
As you depart, the essence of Goa and the spirit of our retreat stay with you. The journey might end, but the transformation unfolds still.

Who Should Attend? This retreat is for you if you’re:

  • A seeker of personal growth.

  • A student of psychology eager to apply theoretical knowledge in real life.

  • A professional needing a break from the corporate grind.

  • Anyone who believes in the power of self-care and mindful living.

Inclusions & Exclusions

The Welcome Kit includes:

Things to Pack

  • Pack Light: Goa’s laid-back atmosphere doesn’t require heavy or formal attire.
    Goa to Goa

  • Check Weather Forecasts: Goa’s weather can be unpredictable; packing a light raincoat or umbrella might be prudent.

Pricing and Registration

Retreat Cost: INR 10,500 per person