Career Guidance with Nirali Hundiya

Career Guidance with Nirali Hundiya

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Lighting Your Path to a Bright Psychology Career!
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Basic Details

Credentials: Masters in Counselling Psychology
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her

Years of Experience

8 years and counting

Mode/type of therapy practiced

Career counselling related to any fields in India

Discover the Counsellor: Perspectives & Techniques


Describe your approach to career counseling

My approach to career counseling is client - centered and psychometric in nature. Each individual is unique and hence, before actually getting into the process it is important to specifically understand the needs and make them more comfortable with the assessment process.

What tools are most effective in helping individuals discover their strengths and interests?

The assessments are psychometric in nature and include a detailed evaluation of each individual’s personality, interest areas, career motivators, learning styles, emotional quotient and aptitude. Results are interpreted in conjunction with other factors like their personal experiences, preferences, aspirations, to ensure a comprehensive understanding. 

What advice do you have for someone considering a career change or further education?

I would take them through a detailed inquiry process - understand their reasons for switching, have a check on their emotional health, burnout, work life balance, work on research, use the psychometric assessment to give them factual information regarding their own and alternate career choices, assess the transferable skills they have, financial planning, account the changes and how they feel about them, speak to professionals in the field and then make an informed career decision. 

Unlock your career potential with Nirali: where guidance meets success

- Nirali Hundiya