Souled Therapy with Parth Gupta

Souled Therapy with Parth Gupta

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**Therapist offers sliding scale: Sliding scale is a flexible payment system based on your financial situation. The therapist will assess your circumstances and determine if a reduced fee applies to you.
Basic Details

Credentials: Psychotherapist
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him

Years of Experience

1.5 years

Mode/type of therapy practiced

CBT, REBT and Eclectic Therapy

"I am like that long lost friend with whom you can talk about your darkest secrets, without getting the feeling of being judged."

-A one liner that describes Parth's personality.

Discover the Therapist: Perspectives & Techniques


What is it that you love about psychology and what has it taught you about people in general?

People are not the reason behind mental health, but their experiences and understanding are, the art of therapy is all about working on those experiences and understanding and making the person the best version of themselves. As everyone is special and unique in their own way.

What is your go-to tip for dealing with mental health struggles?

Trust the process, overtime small changes make a big difference.

What's that one thing you consider to be your secret weapon/ your special tool?

Not all actions are taken just because they are necessary at times ; you take actions just for the sake of happiness, no matter how pointless they might sound.

What drives you when it comes to helping people help themselves?

The happiness people achieve with a better mental health is surreal to see. And this keeps fuelling the fire in me to help more and more people.

Choose your session:
**Therapist offers sliding scale: Sliding scale is a flexible payment system based on your financial situation. The therapist will assess your circumstances and determine if a reduced fee applies to you.

"Decision of getting help might be a challenge, you might have to fight the social stigma, or maybe your own believes, but in the end its all worth it. Because everyone deserves a good mental health." ✨

- Parth Gupta