Souled Therapy with Aparna Raghavan

Souled Therapy with Aparna Raghavan

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**Therapist offers sliding scale: Sliding scale is a flexible payment system based on your financial situation. The therapist will assess your circumstances and determine if a reduced fee applies to you.
Basic Details

Credentials: M.Phil Psychology, B Ed in Special Education
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her

Years of Experience

9 years

Mode/type of therapy practiced

CBT, Expressive Art Therapy, Play Therapy and Talk Therapy

Discover the Therapist: Perspectives & Techniques

"A healthy person finds happiness in helping others. Thus, for them unselfishness is selfish."

-A one liner that describes Aparna's personality.

What is it that you love about psychology and what has it taught you about people in general?

I love how each day my job is so different and unique, just like how unique every person is.

What is your go-to tip for dealing with mental health struggles?

The best is yet to come!

What's that one thing you consider to be your secret weapon/ your special tool?

My secret weapon is how I can use Art for therapy, as it unlocks things that we probably didn't think that existed.

What drives you when it comes to helping people help themselves?

The thrill of learning more each day!

Choose your session:
**Therapist offers sliding scale: Sliding scale is a flexible payment system based on your financial situation. The therapist will assess your circumstances and determine if a reduced fee applies to you.